SPSF Program Coordinator
B.A., Okayama University
M.A.(Master of Arts), Hiroshima University
Ph.D.(Education), Sophia University
Sustainable futures are something we create together. We need to learn from each other, collaborate to find a leverage point, and take action to transform the interdependent system. We are responsible for the present and future generations on this planet. Lifelong learning is the key to the well-being of yourself and society because we can modify our behavior and develop our perspectives as a result of learning. University education is not the end of your learning. You can find a lot of opportunities to learn something new from the SPSF lectures, seminars, and friends. Sophia Univesity SPSF provides such an interdisciplinary course in Tokyo!
Sustainable Education, Education for Sustainability, ESD, Comparative and International Education, Sociology of Education, Non-formal Education, Lifelong Learning
・A Deep Transformative Dimension of ESD in Japanese University: From Experiential to Emancipatory Learning in Online and Offline Environments, Sustainability 2022, 14(17), 10732
・Cross-Bordering Dynamics in Education and Lifelong Learning: A Perspective from Non-Formal Education, Routledge, 2020
・Challenges for immigrants in formal and informal education settings in Japan, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Background Paper, 2018
・Non-formal Education for Sustainable Development, Journal of International Development Studies, 25(1/2): 71-79, 2016