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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

  • Field
    Ethnic Politics, Area Studies (South Asia)
  • Professor

    B.A., (Political Science) University of Calicut, India

    B.A.,(Philosophy) JDV University Pune, India

    B.A., (Theology) Sophia University, Japan

    M.A., Ph.D., (Area Studies/Ethnic Politics) Sophia University, Japan

  • Contact

    Email: august-s[at]

  • Message to Prospective Students

    Focusing on South Asia, especially it’s society and politics along with the religious and cultural plurality is very significant in today’s global scenario. I enjoy the methodology of Area Studies, as it is a multi-disciplinary approach to issues and areas. With this approach I have been observing Global context as well as South Asian local context. Complicated issues may be understood through various perspectives and confronted with appropriate tools and methods. SPSF program invites and challenges prospective students to explore interdisciplinary tools and methods to dream a better and sustainable future of our society, and I personally welcome those who are ready to explore South Asia or topics related to Religion, Human Rights, Identity etc. to enjoy studying at Sophia University.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Ethnic Politics; South Asian Area Studies; Religion and Politics; Human Rights

  • Selected Works

    ・“Diversity and Inclusion: Sophia’s Initiatives and Challenges”, in Catholic Educational Institutions and Inclusive Education: Transforming Spaces, Promoting Practices, Changing Minds, ASEACCU, University of Santo Tomas Publishing house, Manila-Philippines, 2018.

    ・“Identity and Nationalism”, in The Japan Mission Journal, Vol.71, No.4, Oriens Institute for Religious Research, 2017.

    ・“Secularization and Religion Policies in Political Affairs: Global and Asian Context”, Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies/No.34, Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 2016.

    ・The Role of Jesuit Universities in Asia, (ed. with Toshiaki Koso) Tokyo: Sophia University Press, 2015.

    ・Global Development Study: Developing Countries, International Organizations and Millennium Development Goals, with J. J. Puthenkalam, Tokyo: AFJ, 2013.

    ・“Violence against Christians in India: Mobilization of Adivasis and Dalits as the Unreached and the Foot-soldiers”, Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, No.29, 2013.

    ・“Identity, Conflict and Multiculturalism: Living Together in Cultural Freedom”, in Promundivita-Studies on Life and Culture, Vol. 21, Research Institute for Life and Culture: Sogang University-Seoul, Korea, 2011.

    ・“Religion and Cultural Nationalism”, in Identity in Crossroad Civilizations: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Globalism in Asia, edited by Erich Kolig, Sam Wong, Vivienne Angeles, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009.