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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

DSOUZA, Arun Prakash
DSOUZA, Arun Prakash
  • Field
    Secular Ethics in the Media field, the formation of journalists and professionals in the media, religious media, writing news stories, academic writings
  • Assistant professor

    BA (Journalism, Psychology) Mangalore University (India)

    MA (Philosophy) Madras University (India)

    BA/MA (Theology), MA (Journalism) Sophia University (Japan)

    PhD (Journalism) Sophia University (Japan)

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” These words are attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi who promoted truth and non-violence through his life, was considered to be a learner all through his life. From our experiences we know learning is an ongoing process – learning a new idea, a new philosophy, a new thought, a new trade, or a new field of study never end. Through our academic studies and learnings, we come to know ourselves, our society, our relationships with our nature and the world, perhaps sometimes the transcendental. SPSF is a unique program where emphasis is laid not merely on ‘how to excel in the competitive world’ or ‘how to become good human beings through academic studies’ but about ‘why do we need to study’ or ‘what are we to do to become better human beings’. We are all explorers in this world.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Secular Ethics in the Media field, the formation of journalists and professionals in the media, religious media, writing news stories, academic writings

  • Selected Works

    ・“The Role of Mass Media According to Church Documents”. Communications Research. Vol.48 (2018) Sophia University Institute for Communication Research. pp.149-161.

    ・“Principles Guiding Decision Making in the Media Situation – Interviews from the Field”. Communications Research. Vol.49 (2019) Sophia University Institute for Communication Research. pp.113-130.

    ・“Can the identity of a journalist be formed from a ‘culture of integrity’? – Analyzing responses from the media field”. Communications Research. Vol.50 (2020) Sophia University Institute for Communication Research. pp.75-92.

    ・“Awareness of ‘Care’ and Journalism Ethics in the Public Media – A study considering views of Christians on Religion and the Reporting of related topics in Korea and Japan”. Co-authored with Tatsuya HIKICHI. Communications Research. Vol.50 (2020) Sophia University Institute for Communication Research. pp.111-126.

    ・“An Analytical Study on the Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Nagasaki in Japan and the Reporting by Nagasaki Newspaper: Focusing on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Environmental Issues”. Co-authored with Xi JIA, Yoshihiro OTO. Review of East Asian Affairs. Vol. 12 (March 2020) Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Nagasaki. pp. 93-113.

    ・“A Consideration of the SDGs and their Press Coverage as they Develop on a Global Scale ~ Focusing on a Comparison of The New York Times and The Asahi Shimbun”. Co-authored with Xi JIA, Xiaohong SHEN, Yoshihiro OTO. Review of East Asian Affairs. Vol. 14 (March 2022) Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Nagasaki. pp. 41-66.