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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

HORIE, Tetsuya
HORIE, Tetsuya
  • Field
    Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Energy Policy
  • Professor

    B.A. (Economics), Kobe University

    M.A. (Economics) Kobe University

    Ph.D. (Agricultural and Applied Economics) University of Minnesota

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    Our society continually faces new issues, which range vastly, including climate change, poverty, biodiversity loss, pandemics of new diseases, and natural disasters. Most of those issues stem from collective human behavior. This fact leads us to study economics, which explores human individual or collective actions in various social settings, to solve the issues. Economics enables us to find the optimal option among multiple activities or find the optimal human activity level, which realizes minimum social costs or maximum social welfare. Economics also helps us understand the mechanisms for incentivizing individuals or organizations to change their behavior to a socially optimal one. We hope that students will learn how to use economics and solve social issues in the future practically. Also, in the real world, we work with people who have different academic backgrounds. The Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures will provide students with multi-disciplinary knowledge and opportunities to discuss with colleagues from differently emphasized disciplines. We hope students will enjoy such experiences and successfully enhance their ability to collaborate with people who have different expertise. We believe that graduates from our program will become significant contributors to innovative solutions to global challenges.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Agricultural Economics, Climate Change, Eco-Friendly Agricultural Practice, Biodiversity Conservation, Energy Policy

  • Selected Works

    ・Tetsuya Horie, Robert G. Haight, Frances R. Homans, Robert Venette. (2013) “Optimal Strategies for the Surveillance and Control of Forest Pathogens: A Case Study with Oak Wilt”, Ecological Economics, Vol.86, No.1, pp.78-85.

    ・Shiro Takeda, Tetsuya Horie, Toshi H. Arimura. (2012) “CGE Analysis of Border Adjustments Under the Cap-and-Trade System: A Case study of the Japanese Economy””Climate Change Economics, Vol. 3, No.1.

    ・Frances Homans, Tetsuya Horie (2011) “Optimal Detection Strategies for an Established Invasive Pest”, Ecological Economics, Vol.70, No.6, pp. 1129-1138.

  • Personal Works