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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

HOSOKI, Ralph Ittonen
HOSOKI, Ralph Ittonen
  • Field
    Globalization, International Migration, Social Movements
  • Associate Professor

    B.A. (honors), Carleton College

    M.A. (Advanced Social and International Studies), University of Tokyo

    M.A. (Social Science – Demographic and Social Analysis), University of California – Irvine

    Ph.D. (Sociology), University of California – Irvine

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    As budding sociologists in the Sociology SPSF Program, you will be challenged to nurture and use your sociological imaginations to see through the “noise” and critically reflect on how the mundane matter-of-fact elements in our daily lives are in fact fascinating social products that we, as social beings, constantly create, interact with, and reproduce. Through this “superpower” to see the realities, contradictions, and injustices within systems of privilege and power, we hope that each and every one of you – as sociologists and future social leaders – will develop the reflexive and critical skills to reflect on social privileges and embrace empathy, humility, and compassion in your journey through and beyond Sophia. All of us here are excited to be a part of that development, and welcome inquisitive and motivated minds from all walks of life.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Globalization, International migration, Social movements

  • Selected Works

    ・2019. “Constitutions in World Society: A New Measure of Human Rights.” Pp. 85-109 in Constitution-Making and Transnational Legal Order, edited by Gregory Shaffer, Tom Ginsburg, and Terence C. Halliday. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (with Colin J. Beck, John W. Meyer, [Ralph I. Hosoki], and Gili S. Drori)

    ・2018. “The Determinants of Cross-national Variation in Migrants’ Access to Rights.” Sociological Inquiry 88(1): 155-179.

    ・2017. “Disaggregating Labor Migration Policies to Understand Aggregate Migration Realities: Insights from South Korea and Japan as Negative Cases of Immigration.” Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 39(1): 83-110. (with Erin Chung [equal authorship])

    ・2016. “The Potential Role of Migrant Rights Advocacy in Mitigating Demographic Crises in Japan.” Pp. 285-336 in Japan’s Demographic Revival, edited by Stephen Nagy. Singapore: World Scientific.

    ・2009. 「日本の外国人労働者政策に対する圧カ—国際規範の動員アクターとしての労働組合の役割と限界の事例研究—」『相関社会科学』18: 93-100.