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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

  • Field
    Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Comparative Research
  • Assistant Professor

    BA (Comparative Cultural Studies) Jagiellonian University

    MPhil (Modern Japanese Studies) University of Oxford

    DPhil (Management) University of Oxford

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    Be curious, be critical, be creative. Let’s cherish our diversity, learn from each other, and try to make this world a better and more equal place for all – through rigorous research, interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, and responsible business activities.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Comparative Research

  • Selected Works

    ・Kapturkiewicz, A., 2021. Varieties of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A comparative study of Tokyo and Bangalore. Research Policy, p.104377.

    ・Kapturkiewicz, A., 2020. An institutional perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems: variation, evolution, agency in and across organisational fields (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford).

    ・Toivonen, T. and Kapturkiewicz, A., 2018. (Column 1) New Pathways to Economic Participation? Youth, Labour Policy and Entrepreneurship in Japan. In Japanese Education in a Global Age (pp. 211-218). Springer, Singapore.