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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

  • Field
    Comparative and International Education, International Educational Cooperation, ESD, Sustainable Education
  • SPSF Program Coordinator


    B.A., Okayama University

    M.A.(Master of Arts), Hiroshima University

    Ph.D.(Education), Sophia University

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    Sustainable futures are something we create together. We need to learn from each other, collaborate to find a leverage point, and take action to transform the interdependent system. We are responsible for the present and future generations on this planet. Lifelong learning is the key to the well-being of yourself and society because we can modify our behavior and develop our perspectives as a result of learning. University education is not the end of your learning. You can find a lot of opportunities to learn something new from the SPSF lectures, seminars, and friends. Sophia Univesity SPSF provides such an interdisciplinary course in Tokyo!

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    Sustainable Education, Education for Sustainability, ESD, Comparative and International Education, Sociology of Education, Non-formal Education, Lifelong Learning

  • Selected Works

    ・A Deep Transformative Dimension of ESD in Japanese University: From Experiential to Emancipatory Learning in Online and Offline Environments, Sustainability 2022, 14(17), 10732

    ・Cross-Bordering Dynamics in Education and Lifelong Learning: A Perspective from Non-Formal Education, Routledge, 2020

    ・Challenges for immigrants in formal and informal education settings in Japan, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Background Paper, 2018

    ・Non-formal Education for Sustainable Development, Journal of International Development Studies, 25(1/2): 71-79, 2016

  • Personal Works