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Professors’ Information

Sophia University / SPSF

  • Field
    International Education, Comparative Education, Multicultural Education
  • Professor

    B.A. (Education), Ochanomizu University

    M.Ed., Ph.D. (Education), University of Tokyo

  • Contact


  • Message to Prospective Students

    Welcome to the Department of Education of the SPSF course at Sophia University. My name is Miki Sugimura and I am in charge of “international education”. International education is often misunderstood as a research area of foreign education systems. However, the field of international education is broader, examining the rationale and relationships of educational issues and policies in various contexts of international affairs. Nurturing potential principles of international cooperation are even more important in times of world uncertainty and turmoil, and the role of international education is more significant to human dignity and peacebuilding. National integration and economic development have been important themes for each country, and education systems and policies have played an important role. National education policy, on the other hand, may raise issues of nationalism and protectionism, and political and cultural conflicts. To prevent these problems, the principle of international cooperation is recognized in international education. International education includes national education policy, development education, education for sustainable development (ESD), global citizenship education (GCED), international organization and education, multicultural education, and transnational/cross-border education. The origin of international education is internationalism with the principle of international cooperation. Today, international education is becoming more and more important as various efforts are being made to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I look forward to studying with you in international education classes.

  • Research Interests and Teaching Areas

    International Education, Comparative Education, Multicultural Education

  • Selected Works

    ・2020 Yusuke Sakurai, kyungnam Moon, Ryoji Sato and Miki Sugimura eds. Nihon de Deau Sekai: Kokundai de Jitsugensuru Tankisyutyugata Kokunaikensyu (Policies and Issues of Short-term In-country International Courses. Sophia University Press. [in Japanese]

    ・2017 Miki Sugimura ed. Ido suru Hitobito to Kokumin Kokka: Posuto Gurobaru Jidai niokeru Shimin Syakai no Henyou (Cross-border Migration and Nation-State: Transformation of Civil Society in the Post-Globalization World), Akashi-Shoten. [in Japanese].

    ・2014 Haruhiko Tanaka and Miki Sugimura ed. Tabunka Kyosei Syakai ni okeru ESD・Shimin Kyouiku (Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Education in the Multi-cultural Societies, Sophia University Press [in Japanese]

    ・2019 Miki Sugimura, “Rethinking Equality and Equity in Multicultural Education in a Diversified Society: The Case of Language Education for Newcomer Students in Japan”. In Siao See Teng, Maria Manzon, Kenneth K. Poon eds., Equity in Excellence: Experiences of East Asian High-Performing Education Systems, Springer. pp.71-85. [in English]

    ・2018 Miki Sugimura, “Liberal Arts Education and the Jesuit Catholic Mission: The Case of Sophia University, Japan” In Nishimura, Mikiko and Toshiaki Sasao, Doing Liberal Arts Education: The Global Case Studies,Springer, pp.159-170. [in English]

    ・2018 Miki Sugimura, “International Cooperation and Globalization in Asia and the Role of Jesuit Universities”. In Edited by Hans de Wit, Andrés Bernasconi, Visnja Car, Fiona Hunter, Michael James and Daniela Véliz eds. Identity and Internationalization in Catholic Universities: Exploring Institutional Pathways in Context. Brill, Sense. ,pp.135-146. [in English]

    ・2016 Miki Sugimura, “Trasforamtion of Higher Education Systems in the Dinamics of Contemporary Globalization: The Case of Japan”. In Collins, C.S., Molly N.N.Lee, John N. Hawkins & Deane E.Neubauer eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education, New York, pp.183-194.[in English]

    ・2015 Miki Sugimura,“Circulating Brains and the Challenge for Higher Education in Japan”. In Ross Mouer ed., Globalizing Japan: Striving to Engage the World , Trans-Pacific Press, 2015, pp.70-92.[in English]

    ・2015 Miki Sugimura,“Roles of Language in Multicultural Education in the Context of Internationalisation”

    ・In Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, No.9, Japanese Educational Research Association, pp.3-15. [in English]

    ・2018 Kazuo Kuroda, Miki Sugimura, Yuto Kitamura and Sarah Asada. “Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Mobility in Japan and Asia”. Background Paper prepared for the 2019 Global Monitoring Report, Migration, Dsiplacement and Edcuation: Buidling Bridges, not Walls. [in English]